Friday, March 11, 2016

If Ya Can't Beat 'Em...

 After fighting against making the switch to clipless shoes and peddles for months, I finally did it! Despite what everyone had said in regards to going clipless, I just couldn't imagine it making that significant of a difference to bother spending money on new equipment for my bike.

Yesterday, I spent the day working with Patrick at the bike shop, just building bikes. The owner said he'd give me $10 per bike I built. Instead, I decided to build enough so I could afford a trade of work for new shoes. And I got em!
First pair of cycling shoes I've ever had. Despite it taking me close to an hour to learn how to clip in and out (I'm still not fully comfortable with it), I've never felt so awesome on a bike. Can't believe I took so long to make the switch!

Not to get all ~emotional~ about an inanimate object, but it's real strange to feel so ~connected~ with your bike.
(I also really need to get out of the habit of using ~~~ to mock myself)

I'm excited to make this giant step in preparing myself for the racing season. With a new, amazing bike and now this new pedal setup, I'm starting to run out of excuses for why I'm slow/don't want to throw in an extra 10 miles on my ride.
Gotta get better about pushing myself.

2016: Year of the Not Wimp


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