Despite somehow sleeping through my alarm, waking up two hours late, and getting to the venue just 15 minutes before our race started, Dingo Cross was the most fun I've had on a bike all season.

Definitely one for the mountain bikers of the group. The course featured nine official barriers, including multiple log jumps, a muddy run up, a gravel pit, a creek crossing, and your every day barriers that I'm sure have an official name that I don't know.

Although I don't think I'd want the stress of almost missing a race ever again, part of me is thankful that my first race lap was my "pre-ride." Had I been given the opportunity to scout out the course beforehand, I probably would have psyched myself out too much to properly concentrate during the race. Even when not faced with an official barrier, the course tested everyone's handling skills. From a sandy off camber remount to several deeply cut ruts, there wasn't any time to let your guard down.
So far this season, I've placed 4th in all my races except for one where I got DNF because of a flat tire and not knowing to run the rest of the course (Whoops, rookie mistake!! I know better now!)
Overall, my team has been killing it. We took the top step of the podium on our first race of the year, resulting in my teammate, Brent, to move up a category. I'm patiently waiting for my time to cat up to the elite women's field, but wouldn't be disappointed if I have a year with the Cat 4s to get my bearings a bit better.
Every race offers a whole lot of learning that I am happy to partake in. I've already met so many amazingly strong ladies at the start line who are so ready with high fives and congratulations at the finish line. ((Cross is honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me & everyone should do it))

Unfortunately, this upcoming week is an off week. I'm already so anxious to be back in race mode hanging out with all of my favorite people.
I'm planning to get in lots of mountain biking in the meantime.
See you guys soon!
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