Saturday, March 19, 2016

Updated - absoluteBLACK Oval Chain Rings

Awhile back, Patrick was selected as a brand ambassador for a really rad company called absoluteBLACK. They specialize in creating oval chainrings for bikes of all shapes and sizes.
And perhaps my favorite thing of being someone's partner, is sharing in their excitement when something cool happens to them. So naturally, I asked him to let me take pictures of how GREAT the new chain ring looks on his bike.

absoluteBLACK offers a variety of colors for their product, which is convenient since I've found cyclists to be some of the most finicky and aesthetic driven people when it comes to their bike. (not hating, I'm quickly becoming one of them, too!)

Patrick selected the red chain ring for his new bike, a Stradalli frame with Boyd carbon wheels that he'll be using for cross season. He's great at obsessing over the smallest details on his bikes, which always turn out looking amazing in the end result.

As far as the science behind oval chainrings, studies have been done at major universities throughout the country, concluding that, unlike traditional round rings, the oval design works better with the body to transmit power more evenly with each pedal. That means riders are able to generate and maintain higher power levels.

After about a month of riding with these new chain rings, testing out all sorts of different terrain, Patrick has said that he can definitely back up the company's claims on their performance.
Living in the city, maneuvering around traffic, means that just when you get up a good cadence, you're guaranteed to hit a red light. However, with absoluteBLACK's chain rings, he is able to pick up his speed again in no time. And as someone who is consistently riding with him, I can vouch that on this bike, he takes off. 

It's not only on the road that he's seen a major difference. He bought the Stradalli as his cyclocross bike so, naturally, he's been testing it out on all sorts of gravel, mud, and grass trails. No matter what terrain he's on, the effects from the chain ring holds true. I'm excited for him to get further into his training, and for that spring rain to come and make our training all the more fun.
He stands behind absoluteBLACK to the point that he's currently planning to switch over all of his bikes to these oval chainrings...on top of the million other upgrades he's currently saving up for, of course.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Gettin' Serious

Lil cross babe got road tires put on her. She looks much less tough now...
The weather has finally become constant spring! No more worrying about making plans a week out, only to have them canceled by a random day of 30 degree weather.
But with that, it means that all the big plans I spent all winter putting off, I finally have to start doing. That means making myself actually get out of bed at 7am to get in a couple miles of riding before going to work, holding myself to a strict training regime, eating better, doing yoga/stretches consistently, etc. (I may have gone a little overboard with spring plans, honestly)

Yesterday, I did my first real group ride. I spent pretty much all day hyping myself up for how nervous I was to go out with a group. I wasn't sure who else would be going out, but I knew the leader of the group...and his legs are about the size of my torso. Hours before the ride, I was texting other lady cyclists desperately looking for someone who I'd feel comfortable riding (and potentially failing) alongside. In the end, I got a couple of well-needed pep talks (thank you, Rhys!) and was sent out to do the ride on my own.

Despite some minor annoyances that come with riding in unfamiliar groups, I had a great time on the ride. It was a pretty low-key 18 mile ride, with some climbs that gave my thighs a good burn.

Altogether yesterday, I got in right at 40 miles. Not bad!
Now, I'm just working toward getting in the habit of getting in about 20 miles even on days that I have to work. Right now, only training one day a week just ain't cutting it.

Oh & I also got my very own (!) Loose Nuts jersey. Which means that I finally have my very first jersey & now that I rep Loose Nuts on my person 90% of the time. I'm really lucky to have stumbled upon such a great group of people who are constantly motivating and inspiring me to get better.

Plans are to rest for the rest of the week. We're planning on starting our hardcore training regime on Monday, so I'm sure I'll be making a ton of posts about getting my butt kicked and all my tiny little brags during times when I don't.

Starting in April, Patrick is leading a group ride out of his work, Outback Bikes. If you're in the Atlanta area, definitely come hang out with us!
We're still working out all the details but you can join the group on Facebook for more information.

Friday, March 11, 2016

If Ya Can't Beat 'Em...

 After fighting against making the switch to clipless shoes and peddles for months, I finally did it! Despite what everyone had said in regards to going clipless, I just couldn't imagine it making that significant of a difference to bother spending money on new equipment for my bike.

Yesterday, I spent the day working with Patrick at the bike shop, just building bikes. The owner said he'd give me $10 per bike I built. Instead, I decided to build enough so I could afford a trade of work for new shoes. And I got em!
First pair of cycling shoes I've ever had. Despite it taking me close to an hour to learn how to clip in and out (I'm still not fully comfortable with it), I've never felt so awesome on a bike. Can't believe I took so long to make the switch!

Not to get all ~emotional~ about an inanimate object, but it's real strange to feel so ~connected~ with your bike.
(I also really need to get out of the habit of using ~~~ to mock myself)

I'm excited to make this giant step in preparing myself for the racing season. With a new, amazing bike and now this new pedal setup, I'm starting to run out of excuses for why I'm slow/don't want to throw in an extra 10 miles on my ride.
Gotta get better about pushing myself.

2016: Year of the Not Wimp