Since photographing Patrick's bike a couple of days ago, all of my friends have asked me to take pictures of their bikes, too. Definitely not complaining. Any excuse to ride around with my friends, explore new places, and practice my photography skills is A-OK by me!

My friend, Jacob, and I wandered over to the Pullman Yard (the same place I took the pictures for Patrick the other day). The outside lighting wasn't quite as great as it was for my previous pictures, so we decided to set up outside, in between some of the buildings.
This shoot was a lot more low-key. Jacob mostly just wanted cool pictures of his bike for the sake of having cool pictures of his bike.
Can't blame him there! I could fill a photo album with the amount of pictures I've taken of my bike.

My next obstacle is figuring out how to edit out the brick in the pictures, without messing up the shadows & coloration.
I kind of managed to do it on this picture of Patrick's bike, but I have a lot of room to improve:

Also in my shoot with Jacob, it was my first time photographing a person. I've always suuuuuuper admired the photographers who can capture amazing candid moments that they do. I've been sticking to inanimate objects since I've gotten my camera, but I'm eager to branch out....slowly.

If anyone in the Atlanta area wants to hang out, go riding, and let me awkwardly photograph you, let me know!

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